Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolution 2009.

Firstly,  Happy New Year to any readers I have out there...

I don't usually like to put up resolutions for new years...usually I don't have much good stuff.  But I have been reflecting on my weaknesses this past year and I hope to improve upon it through this year's resolutions.

1. See the sunrise at least once every month, attempt to do it for a whole week if possible, and then go to morning Mass before work.

2. Put to practice more of love through all my responsibilities.  That means work promptly and joyfully even when I see no love or end of it.  Also means apologizing and making up for deficiencies and failures when I have not done so.

3. Clean out my high school and college stuff, re-organize home. [Probably will be a late year project].

4. Try to find beauty everyday and thank God for it.