Monday, October 16, 2006

Remembering Lepanto (1571).

[Originally written on Oct. 7 2006]

Touchy subject. But I just want to recall that on October 7, 1571 a historic battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League successfully prevented a direct attack on the Europe mainland. How the battle fought out was interesting, but how the people at the time reacted to the impending onslaught was amazingly different of how people of today reacts to when war and violence is ineminent.

The people of that age knew what it mean if Europe falls -- their way of life and believes will all have to bow down to the Ottoman Empire's rules, and with the political structure over the Europe disorganized, the people then could only look one way for their own safety and protection -- the Heavens. And they showed their desperateness by saying the rosary. And this was probably the only time in history that the entire Christendom gathered together to pray for one thing in particular almost at the same time daily and weekly. Today we faces iminent threat from the culture of death, where some goes to claim that the devil does not exist, whist others sought only pleasure and riches by stepping on top of others. The world has changed, people no longer lived in the simple way of life and the society itself has forgotten part of its own history. Okay, I digress...this entry is breaking down.

I guess the whole point of this post is to try to remember those who had fallen in battle at Lepanto. And how this battled showed that it is possible to unite the peoples in prayer under dire circumstances like what we're facing today.

So on this day, we especially pray to Mary the Virgin Mother of God for a special intention of peace and unity amongst the world and the different faiths.

Hail Mary, full of Grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed are you amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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