Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Edible Chicken. Part I.

Like many of my pet-peeves, this is my favorite one. It's chicken and it's edible, what else could be better? Edible Soy? (this part you laugh).

Anycase, life in general has been disorganized to say the least. Although there is one major development in life. And that development is kinda like an epiphany too. So I was in this job fair, we call them the Engineering EXPO, I realized that I really don't want to work in the industry yet, at least of the companies that came. I realized that I wanted to do something else -- not limited to the oil fields in Texas, or the weapon systems of some defense industry...I simply cannot imagine myself doing that for the rest of my life. In fact, admist conversation with the recruiters present, I sort of dwelved into this trance of discussions with the "recruters" in general as I go from booth to booth at the EXPO (of the boothes that I've pre-selected to be my "interest areas").

[I'll let you know how it ends, Oct 3, 2007]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.