Thursday, March 13, 2008

REPOST: What Does It Mean to Say "I Love You"?

[Originally written on Jan. 28, 2003, used to be placed on the old Untitled Benedictus on geocities, but the site was lost. I dug it out of my old music binder today on March 14, 2008; no edit is done, preserved for original's sake]

Disclaimer: This poem is REALLY OUT-OF-DATE. It speaks of really old stuff. if per-chance it coincide with any current events, it is purely by nature coincidental; actually, I was going through my older music binder for something to play and some old stuff came up; what can I say??


01/28/2003: What does it mean to say "I Love You"?

What does it mean to say I Love you?

Does it mean that I have a fond feeling of you?
Or does it mean that I have a lot to tell you about what I like about you?
Or does it mean I envy for your virtue?
Or maybe I just wanna be a friend?

Some might say Love is all about sex...
What do you have to say about that?

What does it mean to Love?
Can we live without Love?
But what is Love?
Can we have Love?

When we all say I Love You,
Does it really mean I Love You
That I would swap my life for yours?
Or do I simply want to impress you?

What is true Love, and what is the universal Love?
The Love of you, and the Love of the rest,
Are they any different?
In as much as how much we Love?

So truly, I pray you tell,
What is Love?
How is Love?
and Why is Love?

Whence I should really say, "I Love You"...
Whilst my mind really speak of something else?

And Whence I should say, "OK"...
Whilst my heart acknowledges where you stand...
On the platform of life of virtue and Love.

We all make decisions,
Some yes's and some no's:
And let this be one of them that has no answer:
for Love is infinite, and Love is forever lasting,
Like that of Christ and that of God.

So my dear friend, pray tell,
What do you think of Love?
And who would you say about Love before I should say I Love?

Maybe it is your words that render the most of Love,
At least in me it seems to light,
Bright as the shining star:
Yet invisible as my hearts are barried[sic] deep down inside.

And pray tell how say you to Love?
And what you think of Love?
I think, and would you?
Maybe it is time for you and me to sit down and think about it,
My dear friend, tell me all you want to say about "I Love You".

Oh, and did I mention that I Love You?


[A poem written for a friend in the most vague and time-wasting manner, in 2003. Looks like my skills in being vague has not decreased, maybe I will write a new one, "Five Years Later...", hhmm...]

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